速報APP / 醫療 / Africa Health Exhibition

Africa Health Exhibition





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



Africa Health Exhibition(圖1)-速報App

Africa Health Exhibition is the largest healthcare exhibition in Africa and is a leading platform for the industry to meet, learn and do business.

The exhibition takes place from 28-30 May 2019 at the Gallagher Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa and will attract more than 10,000 healthcare professionals and host 540 of the world’s leading healthcare suppliers, manufacturers and service providers.

Africa Health Exhibition(圖2)-速報App

Alongside the exhibition, 18 CPD accredited conferences offer education in the latest healthcare topics - all only R150 - R300 to attend and all proceeds are donated to local charities.

Africa Health attracts a wide range of visitors across the healthcare spectrum, including dealers and distributors, medical manufacturers, general practitioners, hospital doctors, hospital managers, hospital nursing staff, hospital technical managers, laboratory managers, physiotherapists, medical assistants, and many more.

Africa Health Exhibition(圖3)-速報App

The Africa Health mobile app acts as an exhibitor directory and onsite navigational tool, listing all our exhibitors and the products they will showcase at the show to ease and facilitate visitor experience at the show.

The key features of the app include: searching for an exhibitor alphabetically, per country, or per product category, as well as a detailed interactive floor plan.

Africa Health Exhibition(圖4)-速報App